
How can we help?


Based on your personality, strengths and weaknesses, we can give you a rough assessment of what might suit you better. You have the opportunity to speak to us directly (click here)

What do you want to achieve? How quickly do you want to achieve it and how much time are you prepared to invest? Contact us and together we can draw up a realistic timetable for you.

This is a question that cannot be answered in general terms.
It depends on which area you want to become active in, how much investment capital you have available and which strategies you trade with. The more time you invest at the beginning, the easier it will be for you later and the faster you will be able to place your trades.

First of all: Yes, it is possible!  However, depending on the area and size of your trade, the state no longer makes it so easy for us. However, our tax advisor can also show you ways to deal with this issue.

Yes and no. It depends on how much investment capital you have at your disposal and, above all, how you are positioned with your expertise and skills.

Very quickly, but beware of greed! You can lose money just as quickly. It’s better to become continuously wealthy than to fail quickly 😉 .

You will primarily learn everything about stock market topics and trading in particular. But the topic of money management is also covered in the members’ area.

Your Trader Training

They do indeed exist. To find out where you currently stand and what suits you best, we recommend that you take the specially developed test or speak to us directly!

On the respective detailed pages of the training courses all contents of the training are listed, if this is not enough for you, just contact us!

The courses take place every fortnight and last 90 minutes each. You will receive an overview of all the dates of the live webinars after you have enrolled.

The training courses, including the member area, live webinars and community access, are 100% digital and therefore location-independent!

First and foremost, a laptop or PC (appropriate to current standards) and Internet access.
We recommend at least a large screen, some investment capital and a good portion of Movivation 🙂

We provide you with a variety of documents from which you can create your own trading portfolio (don’t panic, your coach will help you).
Starting with strategy lists, strategy matrices, checklists, charts, chart formations, trade journals and much more. You can be really excited.

Basically yes – you get your personal access to the member area. There you can work through the learning lessons at your own pace. The live webinars are time-bound. If you wish, you can also book individual coaching sessions to make progress much faster and more effectively.

This depends on various points, e.g. how much commitment you invest in yourself and in your trading, how you can deal with the psychological pressure of trading, how high your investment capital is and which market phase currently prevails. Unfortunately, we cannot give you a specific time frame for this.

You will be challenged, but we take great care to ensure that we pick up our students. You have the opportunity to ask questions in the live seminars, review chapters in the member area, ask the community or take part in individual coaching sessions at any time.

Yes, we absolutely encourage this! You can join our community for this. Ask your questions there or find your trading buddy. A little tip: the more you give, the more you get back. In other words, the more active you are in the community, the easier it will be for you to meet new people and network with them. You yourself make the positive difference.

In addition to your training, you will receive full access to our trader community. The exchange with like-minded people is one of the biggest boosters for your trading career!

You will also receive a certificate for your successful training at the end.

Contact us directly and we will find the right solution for you.

Yes you can, just contact us.

Personal matters

This is a totally legitimate and common question! If in doubt, keep it to yourself for the time being and let the results speak for themselves. In the meantime, you can exchange ideas with like-minded people in our community, which is a lot of fun and enjoyable and, above all, will help you progress much faster!

Yes, there are often women on our courses, but unfortunately there are still too few, even though women are considered to be better traders.
If you want to do the training together with your female friends, then contact us directly. We have a special offer for you!

Unfortunately not yet. However, we are looking, maybe you are exactly the trainer we would like to have in our team? Feel free to contact us!

You have several contact persons. Both our support team and your personal coaches are always on hand to help you directly and at any time!

There are many reasons why this can happen. Contact us and we’ll talk openly about your situation and find a solution! Our aim is for you to feel completely satisfied and in good hands.

No, although you can build up an additional source of income through trading, you should not see it as the solution to your financial difficulties. The market can be unpredictable and there is simply no such thing as a 100% guarantee! Please forgive us for being honest, but anything else would be a dubious marketing promise.

Payment and financing

There is also the option of paying in instalments. You also get a discount if you bring other people along to the course!

For example, you can recruit other people and do the training together with them, which gives you a discount (depending on the number of people you bring along) for your training.

We are all only human and have to deal with the obligations, but it’s about how we do it. Fair or as a fool, you decide which answer comes back

Yes, there is. Just get in touch with us and we’ll put together a customised offer for you.

We look forward to every referral from you. In return, you will receive discounts and upgrades within your own training programme, also you might be eligible for a commission. Contact us for more

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Table of contents

30 Tage kostenfrei testen!​

Du kannst direkt Dein 30-Tage-Trial hier buchen, bekommst sofort Zugang zu unserem Mitgliedsbereich und kannst direkt mit den Lernvideos starten.

Wir setzen uns bzgl. der Setup-Session und der Webinartermine umgehend mit Dir in Verbindung!

Du bist von unserem Training nach den 30 Tagen überzeugt?
Wenn Dir alles gefällt, und Du dabei bleiben willst, ist alles was Du tun musst, nicht vor Ablauf der 30 Tage zu widerrufen (erst dann wird Dir die reguläre Kursgebühr über 999€ abgebucht).

Die dann beginnende 14-tägige Widerrufsfrist, gibt Dir doppelte Sicherheit.

Du hast noch Fragen?

Buche hier ein kostenloses Beratungsgespräch um weitere Fragen zu besprechen!

Test 30 days for free!

You can book a consultation with one of our Traders to book your 30-day trial here. You will get access to our member area and can start with the learning videos straight away.

We will also do your setup session and give you the webinar dates!

Are you convinced by our training after the 30 days?

If you like everything and want to stick with it, you will get your payment link to go on with your education.

The 14-day cancellation period that then begins gives you double security.

Do you still have questions?

Book a free consultation here to discuss further questions!

Module 5 - VIP Intensive

Your benefits at a glance

24 months training period

Full Access to Module 2 Trading Intensive

Full Access to Module 4 Options Intensive

Access all areas in our Discord Community

Access all areas in our learning member area including APP

All AI-powered strategies in your Tradingplattform

48 training webinars including recordings

Regulated top brokers

Setup Session - our setup (Brokers, Tradingplattforms etc.)

24 individual coaching sessions

$100,000 Prop Account (Evaluation)

First User for all new developments by Trade Uni



VAT included
Payment plans available

Module 4 - Options Intensive

Your benefits at a glance

12 months training period

The 5 best Options strategies

Daily market analysis

Access to our Discord Community

Access to the learning member area “Module 4” including APP

In depth introduction to technical chart and fundamental analysis

Intensive training for the realisation of real trades

24 training webinars including recordings

Regulated top broker

Setup Session - our setup (Broker, Tradingplattform etc.)

12 individual coaching sessions

Upgrade to Module 5 possible



VAT included
Payment plans available

Module 3 - Options Beginner

Your benefits at a glance

3 months training period

2 simple and structured trading strategies

Daily market analysis

Access to our Discord Community

Access to the learning member area “Module 3” including APP

6 training webinars including recordings

Regulated top broker

Setup Session - our setup (Broker, Tradingplattform etc.)

3 individual coaching sessions

Upgrade to Module 4 possible



VAT included
Payment plans available

Module 2 - Trading Intensive

Your benefits at a glance

12 months training period

5 indicator strategies + 7 chart based trading strategies

Daily market analysis

Access to our Discord Community

Access to the learning member area “Module 1+2” including APP

24 training webinars including recordings

Regulated top broker

Setup Session - our setup (Broker, Tradingplattform etc.)

The 5 AI-powered strategies in your Tradingplattform

12 individual coaching sessions

$100,000 Prop Account (Evaluation)



VAT included
Payment plans available

Module 1 - Trading Beginner

Your benefits at a glance

3 months training period

2 simple and structured trading strategies

Daily market analysis

Access to our Discord Community

Access to the learning member area “Module 1” including AP

6 training webinars including recordings

Regulated top broker

Setup Session - our setup (Broker, Tradingplattform etc.)

The 2 AI-powered strategies in your Tradingplattform

3individual coaching sessions

Upgrade to Module 2 possible



VAT included
Payment plans available

Help centre

Our help section will answer almost any question you may have