
Find Out How Your Personality Can Help You Trade Smarter!

Take the free test and discover your strengths in trading.

Are These Challenges Stopping You from Becoming a Consistent Trader?


Imagine Trading with Confidence and Consistency!

From Truck Driver to Confident Trader: Renell’s Journey

Preview Renell

Renell spent years as a truck driver, working long hours and dreaming of financial freedom. Trading always intrigued him, but he struggled to find a strategy that worked for him.

Everything changed when he took our Trader Personality Test. By discovering his unique trader type, Renell realized he was best suited for a methodical and structured trading approach. He learned to play to his strengths, focus on strategies that matched his personality, and avoid the pitfalls that had held him back for years.

With newfound confidence and clarity, Renell turned his dream into a reality. Today, he’s a full-time trader, enjoying the freedom and success he once thought was out of reach.

You can see Renell´s full Testimonial at the end of this page.

Ready to discover your unique trader personality and start trading with confidence?


Meet the Experts Behind Your Trading Journey

Adrian Slack (MSTA, CFTe)

Adrian Slack brings over 30 years of experience as an institutional fund manager and investment banker. Adrian has worked globally, managing significant portfolios and mentoring aspiring traders to achieve consistent success.


Wolfgang Habereder

With over 12 years of experience in financial markets and training as a psychological counselor, Wolfgang Habereder has dedicated his career to understanding the psychology of trading success.

Recognizing that every trader approaches the market differently, Wolfgang developed the Trader Personality Test—a unique tool that blends psychological insights with trading expertise. This test helps traders uncover their strengths, understand their natural tendencies, and align their strategies for better results.


🏆 Proud Recipients of the Trainerpreis Award

Recognized by the Bundesverband ausgebildeter Trainer und Berater (BaTB) for Excellence in Education


Trainerpreis 2018 – Excellence in Education

At Trade Uni, we believe in delivering exceptional trading education, and our commitment has been recognized with the prestigious Trainerpreis award in the category of ‘Education.’ This honor from the Bundesverband für Trainer und Berater highlights our dedication to empowering traders with the skills they need to succeed.

Our unique approach combines over 40 years of market experience and psychological insights, ensuring you receive the best training possible.

In Just 2 Minutes, Learn Which Trading Style Fits Your Personality—For Free!


This Test combines 3 common personality tests in the business world and was developed specifically for traders.
It is made up of 8 different personalities each of them with their own characteristics and behaviours.

Click on one of the answers available to each question, and choose the one that you agree with most.
Don´t overthink it, take the decisions swiftly.

Your benefits

Improved decision making

You get to know your strengths and weaknesses better, which enables you to adapt your trading strategies more effectively and optimize your decision making.

Effective risk management​

You will gain deep insights into your personal risk profile, which will help you to manage risk more wisely and make your trading activities safer.

Emotional control

The test teaches you how to better control your emotions when trading to minimize impulsive and emotionally driven trading.

Long-term goal achievement

You can set realistic trading goals that are tailored to your personality, promote your professional development in trading and contribute to your long-term success.

Our Partners

Hear what our participants say:

30 Tage kostenfrei testen!​

Du kannst direkt Dein 30-Tage-Trial hier buchen, bekommst sofort Zugang zu unserem Mitgliedsbereich und kannst direkt mit den Lernvideos starten.

Wir setzen uns bzgl. der Setup-Session und der Webinartermine umgehend mit Dir in Verbindung!

Du bist von unserem Training nach den 30 Tagen überzeugt?
Wenn Dir alles gefällt, und Du dabei bleiben willst, ist alles was Du tun musst, nicht vor Ablauf der 30 Tage zu widerrufen (erst dann wird Dir die reguläre Kursgebühr über 999€ abgebucht).

Die dann beginnende 14-tägige Widerrufsfrist, gibt Dir doppelte Sicherheit.

Du hast noch Fragen?

Buche hier ein kostenloses Beratungsgespräch um weitere Fragen zu besprechen!

Test 30 days for free!

You can book a consultation with one of our Traders to book your 30-day trial here. You will get access to our member area and can start with the learning videos straight away.

We will also do your setup session and give you the webinar dates!

Are you convinced by our training after the 30 days?

If you like everything and want to stick with it, you will get your payment link to go on with your education.

The 14-day cancellation period that then begins gives you double security.

Do you still have questions?

Book a free consultation here to discuss further questions!

Module 5 - VIP Intensive

Your benefits at a glance

24 months training period

Full Access to Module 2 Trading Intensive

Full Access to Module 4 Options Intensive

Access all areas in our Discord Community

Access all areas in our learning member area including APP

All AI-powered strategies in your Tradingplattform

48 training webinars including recordings

Regulated top brokers

Setup Session - our setup (Brokers, Tradingplattforms etc.)

24 individual coaching sessions

$100,000 Prop Account (Evaluation)

First User for all new developments by Trade Uni



VAT included
Payment plans available

Module 4 - Options Intensive

Your benefits at a glance

12 months training period

The 5 best Options strategies

Daily market analysis

Access to our Discord Community

Access to the learning member area “Module 4” including APP

In depth introduction to technical chart and fundamental analysis

Intensive training for the realisation of real trades

24 training webinars including recordings

Regulated top broker

Setup Session - our setup (Broker, Tradingplattform etc.)

12 individual coaching sessions

Upgrade to Module 5 possible



VAT included
Payment plans available

Module 3 - Options Beginner

Your benefits at a glance

3 months training period

2 simple and structured trading strategies

Daily market analysis

Access to our Discord Community

Access to the learning member area “Module 3” including APP

6 training webinars including recordings

Regulated top broker

Setup Session - our setup (Broker, Tradingplattform etc.)

3 individual coaching sessions

Upgrade to Module 4 possible



VAT included
Payment plans available

Module 2 - Trading Intensive

Your benefits at a glance

12 months training period

5 indicator strategies + 7 chart based trading strategies

Daily market analysis

Access to our Discord Community

Access to the learning member area “Module 1+2” including APP

24 training webinars including recordings

Regulated top broker

Setup Session - our setup (Broker, Tradingplattform etc.)

The 5 AI-powered strategies in your Tradingplattform

12 individual coaching sessions

$100,000 Prop Account (Evaluation)



VAT included
Payment plans available

Module 1 - Trading Beginner

Your benefits at a glance

3 months training period

2 simple and structured trading strategies

Daily market analysis

Access to our Discord Community

Access to the learning member area “Module 1” including AP

6 training webinars including recordings

Regulated top broker

Setup Session - our setup (Broker, Tradingplattform etc.)

The 2 AI-powered strategies in your Tradingplattform

3individual coaching sessions

Upgrade to Module 2 possible



VAT included
Payment plans available

Help centre

Our help section will answer almost any question you may have