
The way to trade

Der Weg zum Erfolg beitrag

The key to success is discipline. It requires a disciplined and routine approach. It should be process-orientated. Not a game of chance in which you hope for results. Because: hope dies last… – but it dies… So: planned action, with the knowledge that the statistics are on our side. The trading plan is an important […]

Correlation in the markets


Wenn wir über Risikomanagement und -streuung sprechen, müssen wir uns auch immer über das Thema Korrelation unterhalten. Doch was ist Korrelation, und wie nutzen wir sie für uns, bzw. so, dass sie uns nicht gefährlich werden kann? Nun, dazu müssen wir erstmal klären, was Korrelation beim Trading in general means that most people have heard […]

World of Trading 2022


On 30 September and 1 October 2022, after a two-year COVID break, the largest trade fair for trading and investment took place again in Frankfurt as a face-to-face event in the Forum of Messe Frankfurt. The trade fair was well attended and the trade fair participants were able to find out about the exhibitors’ offers […]

The Trader-Trilemma

Trilemma Q

Have you ever heard of the trader’s trilemma? I’m going to assume “NO!”. This neologism comes from us, derived from the dilemma -> situation in which you are forced to choose between two equally [unpleasant] things, but with the addition of another problem. Many people who start trading are out to make a quick profit, […]


Test 30 days for free!

You can book your 30-day trial directly here, get immediate access to our member area and can start with the learning videos straight away.

We will contact you immediately regarding the setup session and the webinar dates!

Are you convinced by our training after the 30 days?

If you like everything and want to stick with it, all you have to do is not cancel before the end of the 30 days (only then will you be charged the regular course fee of €999).

The 14-day cancellation period that then begins gives you double security.

Do you still have questions?

Book a free consultation here to discuss further questions!

30 Tage kostenfrei testen!​

Du kannst direkt Dein 30-Tage-Trial hier buchen, bekommst sofort Zugang zu unserem Mitgliedsbereich und kannst direkt mit den Lernvideos starten.

Wir setzen uns bzgl. der Setup-Session und der Webinartermine umgehend mit Dir in Verbindung!

Du bist von unserem Training nach den 30 Tagen überzeugt?
Wenn Dir alles gefällt, und Du dabei bleiben willst, ist alles was Du tun musst, nicht vor Ablauf der 30 Tage zu widerrufen (erst dann wird Dir die reguläre Kursgebühr über 999€ abgebucht).

Die dann beginnende 14-tägige Widerrufsfrist, gibt dir doppelte Sicherheit.

Du hast noch Fragen?

Buche hier ein kostenloses Beratungsgespräch um weitere Fragen zu besprechen!

Module 5 - VIP Intensive

Your benefits at a glance

24 months training period

Full Access to Module 2 Trading Intensive

Full Access to Module 4 Options Intensive

Access all areas in our Discord Community

Access all areas in our learning member area including APP

All AI-powered strategies in your Tradingplattform

48 training webinars including recordings

Regulated top brokers

Setup Session - our setup (Brokers, Tradingplattforms etc.)

24 individual coaching sessions

$100,000 Prop Account (Evaluation)

First User for all new developments by Trade Uni



VAT included
Payment plans available

Module 4 - Options Intensive

Your benefits at a glance

12 months training period

The 5 best Options strategies

Daily market analysis

Access to our Discord Community

Access to the learning member area “Module 4” including APP

In depth introduction to technical chart and fundamental analysis

Intensive training for the realisation of real trades

24 training webinars including recordings

Regulated top broker

Setup Session - our setup (Broker, Tradingplattform etc.)

12 individual coaching sessions

Upgrade to Module 5 possible



VAT included
Payment plans available

Module 3 - Options Beginner

Your benefits at a glance

3 months training period

2 simple and structured trading strategies

Daily market analysis

Access to our Discord Community

Access to the learning member area “Module 3” including APP

6 training webinars including recordings

Regulated top broker

Setup Session - our setup (Broker, Tradingplattform etc.)

3 individual coaching sessions

Upgrade to Module 4 possible



VAT included
Payment plans available

Module 2 - Trading Intensive

Your benefits at a glance

12 months training period

5 indicator strategies + 7 chart based trading strategies

Daily market analysis

Access to our Discord Community

Access to the learning member area “Module 1+2” including APP

24 training webinars including recordings

Regulated top broker

Setup Session - our setup (Broker, Tradingplattform etc.)

The 5 AI-powered strategies in your Tradingplattform

12 individual coaching sessions

$100,000 Prop Account (Evaluation)



VAT included
Payment plans available

Module 1 - Trading Beginner

Your benefits at a glance

3 months training period

2 simple and structured trading strategies

Daily market analysis

Access to our Discord Community

Access to the learning member area “Module 1” including AP

6 training webinars including recordings

Regulated top broker

Setup Session - our setup (Broker, Tradingplattform etc.)

The 2 AI-powered strategies in your Tradingplattform

3individual coaching sessions

Upgrade to Module 2 possible



VAT included
Payment plans available

Help centre

Our help section will answer almost any question you may have